Newest plants

As I am still without electricity, but without any other means of mental exercise, I will tell you about the beautiful succulents we bought in Altolonga the other day. (I feel fairly sure that I have already told you about this, however, I must finish what will be the conclusion of a nice tale, once told.)

I bought this one because it has at least six new offshoots, all around its edges. You can see them if you look closely,

I believe one of the most beautiful, and my favorite succulents is this one. And, as soon as the electricity is restored, I shall endeavor to find the name of this beauty. Just look at the intricacies of its petals, its colors, its symmetry. There is no way that this is not the hand of God at work here. Who, or what, else could come up with such as this? You answer that question for yourself.

I am going to stop for now as it is very difficult to do this without being able to add photos, or retain the ideas that I wish to convey, without electricity; batteries only do so much. Without the almighty “internet”, very little, anymore, seems doable. How awful is that?

I, for one, have come to rely so heavily on the internet for this blog; and, at what cost? As we have no electricity, I cannot find any of my books to read, although, I probably could not read them in candlelight, or the light from my cell phone for very long. (To be honest, it is really quite dark in the apartment at the moment.) Perhaps, if I was able, or had prepared for such an event beforehand, I could have read a book by candlelight. I hope not to put it to the test anytime soon!!

However, to put my ideas down, in a form of any sort, for me to reread, correct, reconfigure, then accept, and post, in some form, especially on an internet source, is nothing short of a miracle.

My ramblings are just that; ramblings. Ideas that come to me when I least expect them. When I finally get them down, on my computer, I find them almost magical. There are so many things that I want to tell you, show you, let you experience through me, that I do not always have the ability to do so.

Think about what things make you happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones; they need you as well as we do.

Post script: it is two o’clock in the morning, and we finally have the electricity back on.

Here is what I ended up doing with most of the succulents.

The bowl is plastic, made to look like terracotta. Light weight.
Ten different varieties of succulents.