New pantry

Not new, really, just revised.

You saw the photos the other day; the ones of the new shelving over the top of the new cabinet. Well, I spent several hours, the next day, and completely rearranged the entire pantry.

Liz helped me clean off the metal shelving we have had since we moved in. We put everything into three totes; one that had all of the things I use most frequently, and two that have things I do not use very often. Those last two will go to LA, to be kept in “storage”. A lot of good stuff, in those two totes. I do not want to give everything away. I want them to be available when we need them.

All of my dried chili’s are out, where I can see them.

This is quite a bit smaller than the metal cart we were using, however, I think, this is one of the best pieces of furniture we have had made thus far. There are a few more pieces coming, so this is not the end of the remodel. We are probably looking at next summer before we finish. Who knows?

Mostly non-edibles in this cupboard. Top two shelves contain all of the flour.
Edibles on the top half, non-edibles on the bottom half.

In the photo of the first open cabinets, I have about fifty pounds of different kinds of wheat. There are four five- pound bags of Einkorn wheat berries, four five-pound bags of Bob’s Red Mill All Purpose organic unbleached flour, eight kilos of bread flour, and three kilos of whole wheat flour.

Instead of them all being in boxes, on the floor, I decided to put them up in the cupboard; hopefully, all of the humidity from the dryer will not affect the flour, now that they are out of the boxes. They are sealed in plastic bags, however. All good.

Anyway, that whole rearrangement took about six hours, and I am pooped. Did laundry on the side, but still have about four loads to do tomorrow. Cannot wait.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.