New metal rack

We ordered a couple of metal pipe bar racks from Amazon the other day. Should be here in a couple of days.

I am hoping they will be strong enough to hold my cast iron pans. If not, Home Depot, here we come.

Galvanized pipe is what I would really like; kind of like this.

Is that the neatest thing? I do not have quite that many cast iron pans, but I do have several. And, to hang them on the wall will free up quite a bit of cupboard space that could be put to better use. Plus, it is difficult, getting the pots, and pans out of the cupboard when they are surrounded by food items. Wah, wah, wah.

I will let you know, and show you, how it turns out. As it is almost four o’clock in the morning, and my legs are dancing a jig under the table as I am trying to type this, it will be a bit before I return to my bed. Going to try a glass of water.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: the glass(es) of water did nothing except ensure I needed to go to the bathroom after I laid down. I went out to the kitchen, made a pot of coffee, drank a cup while having a small plate of papaya, then went to bed and slept for a few hours. Coffee. That is crazy.