New keyboard

A few weeks ago, I bought a new keyboard/cover for the new iPad Pro Ivan tried to buy me. Unfortunately, the iPad did not come, but the keyboard cover did.

I just started using it, and I love it!

It is so much easier to type with this keyboard; almost like using the slightly bigger iPad, with its keyboard cover. Ivan stills wants to buy me an updated iPad Pro, but I am not ready for that yet. Maybe as a Christmas present?

Did I mention that the screen swivels three hundred and sixty degrees? Amazing! I used to have another portable computer cover that rotated like that, but it died a violent death. The computer somehow got stuck in a stuttering mode that I could not stop, nor could the tech assistants that I contacted about it. Too bad. We have, thankfully, progressed quite a bit in computer acquisitions since that happened.

Yes. I put away the stuff that was on the table! Now you can see my grandmother’s tablecloth. Made in México, and at least sixty years old.

The new coffee maker came, and has found a lovely spot on the counter. I must say, it takes up a relatively small space on said counter. I thought it would be bigger than it is, but I was wrong.

I had initially put it right up against the oven, but Ivan reminded me how hot the oven gets, and suggested I move it a bit further away.

The first pot of coffee is very good, not too strong, but, actually, not quite strong enough for our liking. I made the first pot as it was suggested in the information included with the pot, but will add a few more scoops of grounds tonight, for tomorrow’s pot.

Until we talk again, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.