New cell phone covers

We got our latest, and, actually greatest cell phone covers in the mail today. Here is what they look like.

The front. The photo I used for the Lock screen is of a beautiful moment captured in Los Altos last month. When it is not raining, that is what the sky looks like. Amazing, is it not?
Yup. You guessed it. That is the back of the cover.

They completely enclose the cell phone, according to the advertisement that I saw, somewhere, right before I ordered it. It does completely enclose it, and it is amazing. If you have a previous screen cover on your phone it has to be removed, however, or the case will not close. It has two small tabs on the bottom that “lock” the top to the bottom, holding it securely together.

The bottom. It is a bit hard to see but on the outside of the speaker holes are two clear slides that lock the top to the bottom. Excellent design, and quality.

It took me about ten full minutes of dinking around with the case before I figured out how to close, and lock, the dang thing. I persevered, however, and, it works like a charm. It feels, (I know how this is going to read; it is true nevertheless), elegant. It is slim, sleek, and shiny. The buttons respond beautifully, as good as not having any cover on it at all. What is not to like? I just hope I do not drop it, and break it. That would be bad.

The instructions were, for the most part, in an Asian script, so that was useless. Time was in our favor, though, so I was able to figure it out. Here is what the advertisement looked like, in case you are interested. I do not recall what I paid for them, though $20 each sounds about right. Take a look. We both highly recommend these.

The band around the edge comes in four different colors. Mine is dark blue while Ivan’s is black.

Well, whomever gets our phones when we upgrade will have a nice new-looking phone, and cover.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: Ivan’s phone slipped off of his tray, and broke. Mine, however, is working quite nicely. Thank you very much.