Never, ever…

Never, ever, under any circumstances, do we plan on going to Home Depot, Sam’s, or Soriana on Saturday or Sunday. First off, during the week it takes about 20 minutes to get there, (if it is before 1:00pm). On the weekend, it is easily 45 minutes to an hour, regardless of the time. If you forgot something during the week that you need for the weekend, call a relative that is coming over, and have them pick it up. You know how crowded the Christmas shopping is on the 24th of December? That is how it is here on the weekends- a major shopping spree for those that work!!! Not only does everyone go shopping, but all along the major routes, there are small Mercado’s that have balloons, pop, popcorn, candy, clothes, etc., and families make a “day out” where everyone can have fun. Shopping, for some, does not have to be all drudgery. So, those of us that no longer have to work, go during the week. Sometimes a couple of times a week. Just never on the weekends!

4 thoughts on “Never, ever…”

  1. I always look so forward to your blog posts!!! You definitely have a way with words. Looking forward forward to the next.. love you!!!

        1. Thanks Lynn. Much appreciated. If there is something in particular you would like to know, let me know, and I will see what I can find. Thanks again.

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