You read that correctly. Never, ever, will I use that mixture to clean the ovens.

First of all, that is way too much Dawn; it took me an hour to remove all of the soap that collected on the clothes I used. I used up two months of water just rinsing the darn things. It took me an hour and a half to clean out both ovens, after which I had to spray everything down, use a dry microfiber cloth, and wipe off all of the soda residue. It looked like someone had drizzled a film of ash all over the inside, and outside of the ovens. What a mess.

I am really glad that I let 3 hours elapse before typing this post. It is completely different than what I was saying to myself while I was working, and when I finished. I am not sure I could have posted it, in fact, I was that upset.

After that, I am almost persuaded to go back to the ugly, smelly harsh chemical oven cleaner, not that I ever actually clean my ovens. I just, accidentally, let some wild hair get to me, and tried the dish soap, baking soda, and vinagre mixture. Do not do it.

Anyway, enough boohooing. Here is the event as it stands.

Koblenz oven before.
Also, before.
Breville oven during.
Breville oven door, during.
Koblenz oven during.

Then, I decided I had had enough, and I considered the chore finished. So it was. I went back to the bedroom, moaning, and groaning about the ache in my back, (which ought to be incredible tomorrow,) and sat down for a few minutes. Then, both kettles whistled on the stove, so off I went to finish the dishes.

The Breville oven finished. Is it better? I do not really care.
The Koblenz oven. Is it better? Sure, but it was not bad to begin with.

Both windows are still oven windows with streaks, but I still do not care. One day, quite some time from now, I just might take the above window off, again, and really clean it up. Not right now.

If anyone you know thinks they want to save the planet by using the aforementioned formula, tell them they have my permission, if they care, to use the chemical stuff. Or, better yet, just do not use your oven. Then you will never have to clean it.

Another thought; when was the last time someone came to visit you, at your house, and asked if they could, please, see the inside of your oven? That was, you are correct: exactly never.

So, I am now of the mind that, if someone happens to see the inside of my oven(s), and it, or they, happen to be dirty, it will be because I have chosen to cook delicious meals for my husband and myself. And, if those meals shout out while they are cooking, then, they do. I will be thankful that we have two ovens, and that I know how to use them. (Most folks down here cook on the stove top, rarely using the oven. Difference in cultures, that is all.)

So, peace be in your hearts while you stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.