Never ever, have I cracked an egg, and found it black inside.
I almost got sick to my stomach.
I took a photo, showed it to Ivan, tried to post it here, but it no longer exists.
I bought brown eggs from the grocery store, 4 cartons of 18. Several in the second carton were either very dark orange, with the yolks turning brown, or, when cracked into a small bowl, the yolk splattered.
I have taken to cracking the eggs into a small bowl. I spilled a few drops of the black egg into a good egg that I was preparing for our breakfast one morning. I threw them both in the compost, washed the bowl, and tried again.
I can’t tell you what a blow this has been to my trust in the egg wholesalers, so, for the next little while, I’ll be buying our eggs over at the Mercado Taxqueña, where I know they’ll be fresh.
Until next time, stay safe. Wash your hands.
Oh, and a happy Valentine’s Day to any/all of you Hallmark heroes. We chose, 50 years ago, to celebrate our love for each other every day, without silly cards, flowers, or chocolates. Just a thought.