I’ve been “naked” for the past week, and didn’t know what to do about it.
Well, as it turned out, not much.
By naked, I mean that my Apple Watch died, ran completely out of charge, (though it was connected to the charging cable), was recharged, and sort of resurrected. When it was recharged, however, it no longer recognized the correct time, and no longer was paired with my phone.
As I have become quite dependent, well absurdly really, on the immediate information my watch allows me, it has been devastating for me not to have access to it.
I have been doing research on why it doesn’t charge correctly anymore, how to reset it to the phone I’m currently using, how to “unpair” it from my original phone, (if that was the problem), how to
Well, you name it, I tried to figure out how to fix it.
I was disparate, and am unable to afford either a new watch, or phone at the moment so something had to work.
After much prayer, and deliberation, I found a quick fix on the watch itself. By now, however, the charge was only at 26%, and decreasing, on the charging mechanism, as I watched it.
The info on the watch asked if I wanted to reset the watch without the paired phone. Well hell. I didn’t know what I wanted to do much less how to do it. So, I gave that a shot.
The watch was of no use as it was so why not give that a try? What could it hurt?
I followed the instructions, deleted all of the information I had on the watch, and thanks to God, the watch started pairing with the phone.
Mind you, the phone is the phone we bought Ivan before we left Iowa, so it’s 6, maybe 7 years old, and way out of touch with my needs, but it’s all I have so I had to make it work.
The only other problem I had was the charging cable. It just kept discharging, and the phone was now down to 15%, and in low power mode. How else could I charge it?
I looked on Amazon to find another charging mechanism that would get here ASAP, and, as it happens, I saw the trifold charger that I bought 2, or 3 years ago, the one that I used in Los Altos when we’d go. Well, damn. I had that in my pouch that’s attached to the side of my chair. Got it out, plugged it in, put the watch in the proper place, and Bob’s your uncle.
The watch is at 34%, and climbing as I type this. The phone is next to it, also charging, and giving the watch an update. Sometime this afternoon I should be back to using both. Thank you Jesus.
Until next time, enjoy the peace the recent election has afforded us.
Post script: not only has my watch been restored to good health, but I have been able to re-download the Audible app. to my phone. It has seen fit to pair the phone, and my cheapo earbuds to it (the watch), so that I can control whatever I’m listening to, as well as adjusting the volume! Yay! What a day. Now I can, once again, walk and listen to my books.