Murphy beds

The beds will be arriving this week. We got a photo of one of them, I think it was the queen sized one, for the spare bedroom. (We call it the office, because that will be the room we use for our computers, bill paying, correspondence, etc.)

I think this will be the Murphy bed for Juan, my father in law. I cannot tell yet.

In one of the next posts, I will try to upload some photos for you so you can see how things have progressed. After we get everything put away, the next challenge will be to start displaying our artwork, sculptures, pretties, etc. All of the walls are concrete, so it will present its own challenges. Ivan has been researching drilling into concrete so he should have a handle on it by the time we are ready to drill.

This are still some projects that need to be done- we would like Martín to build us some shelves for the living room wall, a couple of bedside tables, some shelves for our closet, things like that. We have tons of storage under the bed, thankfully. And, we will be getting rid of lots more “stuff”, as I have said in a prior post. Less to keep track of- works for me.

To finish, we will be collecting my F-I-L from Juan’s house this coming weekend, after his Murphy bed gets installed. He has been staying there until we could get the bulk of the clutter here organized. Neither of us felt this chaos would be good for him, mentally, so he has been “vacationing” with his sister, and her family.

We cannot wait to have him back here, and get him back in his routine. His routine helps keep him grounded, less confused. We think he will fit right in here- especially with the park, right outside. He loves to walk. And so do we. Ivan and I have both lost about seven kilos to date. More coming off each day. Talk about getting back to a routine.