Moving on

It has been over a year now, that I have been using the day of quarantine as the title of each post. I am going back to actual titles. I am tired of being reminded what evil has been done to us; to the whole world.

Yes, we are still in quarantine, I am sorry to say, and, probably, will be thus far into the future. However, as long as I am able to type the words of our adventures, here, in Mexico, and abroad, I am going to only acknowledge this heinous act in my closing paragraph; that will stay constant. I do not ever want anyone to forget the encouragement it offers.

Having said that, I want to tell you about the wonderful time we had, as always, in Los Altos, this passed weekend. It is called La Semana Santa, or Holy Week. It is a part of the world that is simple, earthy, friendly, and, basic. I do not know if you can imagine it, but try, if you will.

They live lives of, as I just said, simplicity. Babies are bundled up in at least three baby blankets, and I do mean the heavy, fuzzy ones, so as not to get sick. There is electricity, to be sure, but it is used, for the most part, in recreation. If one is done with ones chores, feeding whatever livestock one is raising, or, washing ones clothes, by hand, mostly, and hanging them on the line to dry, then one might sit, for a bit, have a cup of coffee, or, watch an old, but good, movie.

Or, one might take a well deserved nap. Washing the clothes, and, dishes is done in ice cold water, this time of year anyway, so one comes away with immobile fingers. The warmth of a coffee mug is quite useful after that.

Watching Maria this passed weekend, was enlightening. She, and Jesús’ brother, Juan, were up and outside Saturday morning, feeding the sheep, and watering the pig. Yes, they have a sow, actually, who is going to give birth in the next two, or three weeks. They expect six to eight piglets. I call her Charlie. I did not realize she was a sow until this weekend, as she is never out of her pen. (Which is perfectly ok with me because she is huge.)

She is a looker. My girl Charlie.

Life there is idyllic, to say the least, at least from the standpoint of a visitor. I am not sure, that, just yet, it would be a way of life for us. We thought about selling the condo next year, and buying a home in Los Altos, but have tabled the idea for now. We are not ready to commit to such a monastic lifestyle. Not just yet. We still have much to do, places we want to see, things to experience. Maybe some day.

Until then, my beloved family, and friends, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.