Moving day is at hand-maybe

Recently, I sent all of you photos of the new bed, and dining table that were handmade for us by Martín. The kitchen cabinet windows are going in today, as well. That only leaves the security phone, (it used to be on the front side of the dark paneled wall as you come in to the condo), which will be moved to the side, just outside of the kitchen. That, and two small areas on the floor of the first bathroom, where the entrance was widened and the shower reconfigured.

Enrique is helping us secure a moving truck for the week beginning on the twentieth, so, hopefully, soon after this posts, we will have moved. It will take us some time to get everything unpacked, and put away, but, that is the fun part. The hardest part was packing all of that stuff, and getting it across the border!! (Remember that post)?

Well, as I have said to my husband, multiple times, leave the past in the past. That is the only place it belongs. We have so much ahead of us, once we get moved. We want to travel, first, here in México, then, after we see some places here, we will venture to the other side of the world.

I am interrupting this post to wish my younger sister, Nancy, a very Happy Birthday. I will not divulge her age, as she looks nothing like it. Suffice it to say, she is right behind me in years. Hahaha. Love you little sister.

Ivan and I have, fortunately, the same ideas about traveling- where, when, how, how long a stay, etc. I am not sure if it was always so, but we have been together for so long, it feels like it.

We, also, have the same ideas about where we do not want to go, and why. I will not bore you with any of this, but, it is part of the domino effect. We have to move before anything can happen.

For now, we will enjoy these halcyon days, as they are surely coming to an end.

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