Morning all

There is not a lot to tell you today; we have not brought Juan home yet. There is still more to be done here before we can do that.

You really cannot imagine how much “stuff” we still have to go through, and how many totes we still need to get rid of. It is overwhelming most of the time. If we bring him over soon, we will have him sleep in the spare bedroom, until his room is finished. Should not be too long.

Most of the plants are surviving, in spite of the cool weather; not all of them, however. That is okay with me. I am going to try not to replace the dead plants, except with the occasional flowering plant, like orchids, or anthuriums. Both of those plant types seem to be doing well at the moment, and have such beautiful colors, that will be my next direction- color. The larger plants, the rubber tree, the large Marginata, and the Swiss cheese plants are all doing well, enjoying the sun coming in through the windows in the spare bedroom, soon to be renamed “the office”.

I am staying on top of the cleaning, and laundry, with Liz’s help. Two days a week will be such a blessing. Now, however, it is time to do a load, or two, of laundry. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.