More Christmasy things

We got to go over to the center of Coyoacán, a very beautiful, bohemian neighborhood, here, in México City. Technically, we live in Coyoacán, not five kilometers from the beautiful center area, in fact. The area we live in, however, is much more affordable than at the center.

The center of Coyoacán is where Mexican artists Frida Kahlo, and, Diego Rivera, along with Marxist theorist Leon Trotsky all lived in the mid 1930’s. They all had studios, and homes there, which are now open to the public for a small entrance fee.

These two homes/studios of Diego Rivera (red) and Frida Kahlo, (blue) are joined by the walkway at the middle of the two homes.
This is the courtyard of the home where Frida Kahlo was born, and died. She, and husband Diego Rivera lived here from 1929-1954.
The kitchen in the Casa Azul.

There are some wonderful shops all around the area, not to mention the restaurants, and bars. In fact, we stopped at “La Casa de los Tacos” yesterday, en el centro, and, I had, for the first time ever, fish tacos. I am here to tell you that they were the very best tacos I have ever eaten, in my entire life- to date. I cannot wait to have to eat them again. I will take a photo of them next time.

This appears to be small but it is two floors, and branches out to the left and right. This was built in the 1950’s, but Frida Kahlo used to shop in its original form, which were mostly just covered stalls.

We found a small “mall” down a side street that we have been to before, and as we were walking around, looking for Christmas ornaments, Ivan noticed two small rings of just the ornaments for which we were looking.

These are made of tin, and lacquer, and have always been a favorite of ours. In fact, a number of years ago, I brought similar ones back to the states as presents for my coworkers.

These are cut by machine, it appears, but are painted by hand. These are the prettiest ones we have seen. I hope the photo uploads so you, too, can enjoy them.