Moon update

Nick, and Jenny Moon have rescued 2 more very old championship horses from certain death.

They had to drive, despite a few difficulties, to the border of France, and Italy to pick up the two horses, get them back to the Moon household in France, get them quarantined, and settled in.

Charlotte is 29 years old, and Grace is 27. Charlotte is in fairly stable condition, while Grace is simply skin on bone.

They were rescued on the 8th, home by the 9th, and have been progressing into somewhat better health with amazing speed.

Here’s Grace. These photos were taken from screenshots of their YT channel, “The Moons”, just this evening, the 12th.

If you haven’t watched their channel, please do, even if only on occasion. If you press the “like” button, they get credit, and it grows their channel allowing them to be able to afford all of the food, and meds, supplements, tack, etc., that the horses, “The Legends” need. They now are caring for, and loving over a dozen Legends.

Not only are they taking care of the horses, their kids, their other animals, they are trying to get legislature passed to protect these horses from this type of neglect, and abuse. Some owners have changed the name of the horse, gotten new papers for the horse, (called passports), so no one can find out what they’ve done, or are doing with these champions.

These horses are all “put out to pasture”, ready to be sold to different countries in the EU, as meat substitutes. These are thoroughbred horses, not just a nag down on the farm. These horses made their owners hundreds of thousands, and some millions of pounds over their careers, and have been left defenseless.

Am I passionate about this?

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.