Moments of clarity

Every now and again, I have a moment that makes me sit up, and take notice. I had one just a few moments ago, which is what prompted this post.

We are living in an entirely different part of the world from where we were six months ago! We have moved, and are really, and truly, living in one of the grandest city’s in México.

When I am not paying attention, or am distracted, with this, that, and the other thing, I forget that we are not here on vacation, we are not visiting, we have actually moved here, just a few short months ago.

Several of my former coworkers have asked me if I am enjoying my retirement, is it what I expected? Briefly answered, yes, and hell yes, respectively!!

When I think of all of the years I got up at 4:30 am, to be to work by 6am., all of the years I drove across the I-74 bridge, good weather, and bad; all of the years I was on-call for our Surgery department, at Moline, and Rock Island campuses, my retirement is my personal gift from God.

I absolutely love all of the bright colors in this country. This beauty was in the parade downtown yesterday. We are going to try to get there next year.

I will tell you that I have taken to retirement like a duck to water. Do I have any complaints, any regrets? None. I would make all of the same choices that I made in the past, because they brought me to where I am right now- exactly where I have wanted to be my entire life.

I will venture to guess that this is a guy you have never seen before. He is a Xoloitzcuintli. How about that?

This breed, Xoloitzcuintli, (pronounced show-low-itz -Qweent-ly), is an ancient Aztec dog that has managed to remain, virtually, unchanged for almost 3500 years, even though it was eaten by the Spanish conquistadors, almost, to extinction. Google him. There is a nice, short story from National Geographic about them. They have an amazing history. We have, personally, seen three, up close, in one of the parks near the house. They, at least the three that we met, were very friendly. Hmmm. Another something to consider in the future.

I hope you enjoyed that little diversion. There are more diversions to come.