Moby Dick

I am listening to this “classic”, and, fairly soon, I am certain, I will, by the grace of the Almighty, understand …

Well, I am not really sure exactly what I am supposed to understand, but I have learned a ton, a small pun intended here, about the myriad differences in the whale species. Why I need to know these things, I have yet to understand. I am going to finish it, as I have only 24 hours, of the 31 hour book left. Then, on to Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand.

Actually, I started listening to Atlas Shrugged first, but almost cut my wrists. It is so incredibly “out there”, so “art deco”, so difficult for me to listen to that I had to switch it up, and decided on MD. Not sure how I ever got to this age without ever having read so many of said classics. Yet, here I am. Maybe it’s the reader.

I am determined. I am going to read/listen to as many classics as I can before I die. (Hoping that is far in the future, as I know there are several).

While I am struggling to listen to all of this culture, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.