
Now that we are here, living the dream, we need to convert everything– money, weights, volumes, temperature, everything to metric. Easy, no- doable, absolutely!

I am so glad I have the Apple XR phone with me almost all of the time! It converts so many things, so quickly. I am even starting to convert them in my head. (See. I am teachable, still.) MPH vs K/H is still a bit difficult, but as I do a bit of cooking for the family, I have had to convert pounds to kilos frequently, when we go to the grocery store. Pesos to dollars, kilometers to feet, or miles; milliliters to cups, or teaspoonsful, etc.

Yesterday we made 3 tortillas Españolas for the family. It took me 2 solid hours, due to the altitude. When we went to the store to buy the ingredients, everything is in Kg/peso. There are 2.2 pounds per kilo, and 19.78 pesos per dollar. If you buy 1.75 kilos of tomato’s at 4 pesos per kilo, how much are you going to pay, in pesos? We bought 3.4 kilos of tomatoes. Now, how many pounds did we buy, and how much did we pay per pound?

As it is almost 9 pm on a Sunday night, so, I do not care what we paid. If you can do the conversion, let me know in the comments below how much we paid for the tomatoes, will you? Thanks. I am starting to enjoy the exactness of metric.