Merry Christmas

Merriest of Christmases to all of you.

I know this has been a hard year for some, not for all. For us, here in dream land, it has been wonderful. Thank God.

The politics of the US has been right up there with the CoVid19 pandemic, in terms of the worse things happening in the US this year past. May both get better in the coming year. It could happen.

I have had news, recently, about a few of the folks I used to work with, staff, surgeons, anesthesiologists, that have all had terrible health issues. I am keeping all of you folks in my prayers; families too.

As I said, this year, for us, is the year of famine, as far as “things” go. We only bought one gift for Gabi, and nothing for anyone else. I am going to give my pashmina scarves, 5 of them, to the Garcia women, one for Liz, and Liz’s mom, Alicia, and one for Abelina, Jesús’ aunt, who did a special favor for us. It will be a joy to see their faces when they open them. They are, each, more beautiful than the last one.

We will be here for Christmas, but in Veracruz for the New Year. I’ll post photos as I can, but know that we will be enjoying the heck out of each second we’re there. Can’t wait to move.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Those of you that are working today, thank you so much for what you do, no matter what your job is.

One thought on “Merry Christmas”

  1. Diana, I don’t hear much about work related things. Just that Schrier is no longer there as he was my Dr. so I had to be informed about that. Please spill the beans on health issues or anything else you may have heard! Not really just nosey, but I genuinely care. Thanks!!!

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