Merry Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve; such a special time.

We hope all of you are enjoying this time with your families, friends, and loved ones.

Unfortunately for us, the Garcias are all sick with terrible coughs, colds, and the flu. Now that Gabi is in Kinder(garten), he is bringing home all kinds of yuck. They think it’s a change in the weather, but we explained to them the truth; kids spread millions of germs, just by being kids.

I will surmise that the kids don’t wash their hands after sneezing, (a bacterias keen, evolutionary way of spreading itself everywhere), as the staff have not quite the education levels to insist on such things. Nor do they have the time, I suspect.

We’ve not put up any decorations this year, nor have we wrapped any invisible presents we may, or may not have. This is our famine year.

When our kids were growing up, every other year was feast, then famine; it’s the way it was for years. We almost never had two consecutive years of feast. Personally, it made the kids appreciate the things they got all that much more.

As we are so thankful for all of the abundance we have, we routinely give most of it away; especially food. We always seem to have too much food, usually fresh, which becomes, quickly bad. So, before it goes bad, we give it to whomever needs it. Relieves my conscience.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

We are virtually mask free down here; in the stores, on the streets, anywhere, and everywhere one looks. How about the states?

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas”

  1. Merry Christmas to you both!!! Hope you and Ivan don’t get the “crud” that’s going around down there. We are currently Boondocking in the desert of Lake Havasu City in Arizona. Not far from your border. Kyleigh (granddaughter)
    Neamyah (great)
    Ruby(great) are here on this Xmas Eve to do our celebrations. They live about an hour from here in Kingman, Arizona.
    Sometimes too close is too close, if you know what I mean!!!
    Stay safe, stay well and most of all stay happy!!!

    1. Thanks, Lynn. We are just fine; fatter, and sassier, but fine. Not going to work on weight loss until after we come back from Veracruz, our forever home is being built as we speak. When we come back, Jan. 4th, I’ll post some photos. Glad you have your family close. If you’ve been reading my posts, you’ll know we have a new family that we love very much, and that love, and need us. Hope you all have a wonderfully Merry Christmas, and New Year. Thanks for writing.

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