
I had had it, and, was just about done with our Mercedes. The front bumper was so low to the ground that, going over the millions of “topes”, the speed bumps, every time we drove it, having it bottom out on the just-above-average tope, was more than I could take.

We asked our cousin, Juan, where he takes all of his Mercedes, (he has at least five, maybe six. It is hard to remember), when they need work done on them. He took us down to the shop, AutoFix®, where we met with Luis Carlos Soberanis Sandoval, the owner. Ivan talked to him, and told him about our problem, and asked him if it would be possible to raise the front end, somehow, so it did not ride so low to the ground. He said he thought he would be able to do something, to leave the car with him, and he would contact us.

Well, two days later, and he did get back with us. And, yes, he could easily raise up the car, because, the shocks, and struts, on all four tires were “dead”, so to speak. If we got new shocks, and new struts, on all four wheels, that should raise it up significantly.

Here she is – better than ever.

I am here to tell you that, with the new s&s’s, plus a small thingy he put above the aforementioned s&s’s, the car now sits two inches higher than it did, and it drives just like the BMW- solid but smooth. I cannot get the close up photo to upload, but hopefully you can see that there is at least two inches between the tires, and the wheel wells.

The topes are no longer a concern- just an ongoing nightmare. Now we drive over them, slowly, of course, but we no longer bottom out on any of them.

The car feels like a luxury car should. We thought that, because it is in the “Sport” class vehicle rating, it was supposed to be that low, that uncomfortable. It was not. Now, it is not. Now I cannot wait to get out there, and drive it.

I am guessing that I will even be able to drive it into, and out of, the parking garage. All by myself.