MasterChef México

If you want to be inspired to eat, or, better yet, cook Mexican food, watch MasterChef México, any year.

Actually, the first episode started in 2015, which I, of course, only started watching a few weeks ago. LOVE IT!!!

I cannot tell you how much it has inspired me to educate myself in cooking foods, mostly regional dishes; ingredients of which I have never heard, much less seen.

There are so many different types of food here that I have never seen in the US; huauzontle, for example. It is a brassica, I believe, similar to broccoli, but grown on a long stalk, or stem. I have no idea what it tastes like, and, as I cannot find it, yet, in any grocery store, it will remain a mystery until I do.

In the series, however, several episodes show contestants cooking with it, and it seems to be enjoyed by the three judges, as a treat. As I said, I cannot find it anywhere. How is a person supposed to learn how to cook with something if it is not available?

Until I find it, and cook with it, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.