
We have been introduced to the delightful fruit called lychee. It is used quite a bit in Oriental cuisines, and I have wanted to try it, but had no idea how, or where to find it. Or, if we would even like it if we did find it.

We found it, well we did not find it; it is sold on most street corners in Peróte, the “big city” outside of Los Altos. It is a smallish, round, reddish, fruit with a bumpy, spiked surface. Peeled, it resembles a large, peeled, white grape. There, the comparison ends, however.

Actually, it is delicately sweet, with a central seed that reminds me of a shiny, black olive pit. Thankfully, we were able to bring a kilo home with us, as they are difficult to stop eating once you start.

I will have to do some research to see if they can be frozen, to be used when my Oriental cooking is up, and running. Hope so.

Please, in the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.