Los parques (The Parks)

Everywhere we drive in the city, parks divide the roadways. Most of them are absolutely stunning due to the care that is taken in their upkeep. Each park has different things growing in it as well- no two are the same. The flora here is mostly tropical in nature so there are huge rubber trees; ficus that are over 10 ft. tall, and pruned to different shapes and sizes; jade grows as a ground cover. The bougainvillea are the most stunning, with their brilliant reds, magentas, and oranges.

Our long term goal is to sell the apartment in a few years and buy a house. I want, more than most anything, to grow at least two different colored bougainvilleas. It has been a dream of mine from the very first time we came here. Maybe one day that dream will be realized as well. We are here, and that was the first dream realized.