Los Ojos

I just bought 4 new pairs of glasses with polycarbonate and transitional lenses, and progressive bifocals for approximately $557.00. After a fairly extensive exam here at the house, it was determined that, after my cataract surgeries this past December, my left eye is seeing quite well for distance but my right eye needed a bit of an assist. I am having trouble seeing at night, still, and with entirely new surroundings, I need every ounce of help I can get. The roads here are full of minor, and major, defects, not to mention the myriad “topes ” (speed bumps), and to hit one, unexpectedly, can ruin ones vehicle. This does not interest me- ruining our new cars.

The young lady that came to exam my eyes, also brought a dozen trays of frames from which to choose. And since I am of an age where I can be as crazy as I want, I chose 4 frames that will do that very thing. Two pairs are red, one is brown, and one is black. Her father owns his own lab where they make the lenses for said frames, so they have very little overhead, thus the expense is minimal. Win, win. I will show you how they look later.