Los Altos, revisited

Frequently I talk about Los Altos, about how quaint it is, and how familiar it is becoming. Here is just a peek at its beauty.

This photo was taken along the road that goes up to Lizbeths parents home. Next time we go back, I will take another photo, without the cables, and a bit more majesty. This one was hastily taken. Additionally, however, you may be interested to know that the puffs of clouds, in the back, above that mountain, is actually a semi active volcano. It burps out smoke for awhile, then it stops, for awhile. Gorgeous.

While we were there, we took a drive into Perote, and bought a fruit cup. WOW! A beautiful, plastic cup, full to overflowing with freshly cut fruit; all sprinkled with a not-too-spicy chile powder. Here; this is what I am talking about.

Here is what is (was) in the cup: oranges, cucumbers, jicama, cantelope, papaya, coconut, watermelon, and pineapple. This cup was full to the line above the cup top (in the photo) before I got started on it. Then, I remembered that I needed to take the photo. Well, I could not put the eaten fruit back, so this it what you get to see. It was ambrosial.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.