Little by little

Slowly I turned. Step by step. Inch by inch. *See note.*

Sorry. I couldn’t help myself, once I got it in my head.

Recently, I have been rearranging our apartment, now that we have, once again, an another entire bedroom, a full bathroom, and a covered storage unit, (on the roof), in which to occupy.

When we lived in Iowa, we had a 4 bedroom home, 1 1/2 bathrooms on 2 levels, plus a full basement. Here, we have a large, luxury apartment, (by CDMX standards); 1 level with 3 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, and 240 mt. sq.

We have added tons of storage by means of the overhead sliding door cabinets in the 2 main bedrooms, 4 new dressers, as well as utilizing the 3rd bathroom, meant for the maid that we don’t, (yet), employ. (Score!)

Now that J&L are upstairs, again, in their apartment, we have the 2 dressers in that bedroom, plus the 3 dressers in the guest bedroom. (Ivan requires 2 dressers, one which is completely empty, for all of his clothes). Not.

Anyway, I have been finding ways to move things, from totes in the living room, like our bedding, into the 2nd bedroom dressers; our blankets, and duvets into the overhead cabinet in the same bedroom; our bath towels, wash clothes, and hand towels in our sliding door overhead cabinets as you come into our bedroom. The more things I move the more ideas I have of where to put this, or that so it is more convenient for usage. Yeah!!!

I am just getting started on the kitchen; moving things from here, (where mi amor put them), to the pantry, where I need them. Not everything needs to be in either place.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

*Note: any idea from whence this quote comes?

I’ll tell you in the next post. Love you. Bye bye.

Post script: Happy 46th!!!!!! birthday to our daughter Elisha. Many, many more.

One thought on “Little by little”

  1. The Three Stooges, silly! Prefaced by Niagara Falls… 😅😅😅
    Have a great day… love you ❤️

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