Lighter in spirit

We woke up, the other day, much lighter of heart, and spirit.

It was an actual physical feeling of having more room in my chest to breathe, the ability to feel a sense of joy. It had been several weeks that I had the feeling of my chest, filling to capacity, with doom, and gloom; then, it seemed to fill even more. Last week, it finally exploded.

I wondered if the feeling would ever go away. It did. It is gone.

It has been replaced by a sensation of calm, healing love, and joy.

We have adopted the most incredible family here; not replacing our families up North; able to fill the incredible void our moving caused. They are far more expressive with their love, for example, as emotions seem to come more easily here.

Good for us, for sure. We have needed the love, and support the Garcia’s have given us. They are the most wonderful family we could have chosen; they chose us as well. We could not ask for more.

They were with us through the entire time of Juan’s passing, even afterwards; far more important, in our estimation. They were able to help us when we had no idea what to do after he passed. Where to go; who to call, etc. The whole of the Garcia/Galicia families took us up, and helped us figure out everything. We cannot thank them enough.

We will try, however.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: our Christmas table as it is, for now. The other tablecloth has not arrived yet.

The two snowmen placemats were made, and given to us by my sister, Martha. Yes, M, we still use them. 😉