Liberty First University®

Ivan and I have been big fans of Kris Anne Hall for many years now, so I wanted to take a minute to tell you about her. And to encourage you to listen to her yourselves.

Kris Anne is a former prosecutor in the state of Florida, Russian linguist for the US Army, and, more importantly, received her J.D. from the University of Florida, Levin College of Law. She practiced First Amendment law for a prominent non-profit law firm for several years.

KrisAnne is now the president of Liberty First University and travels the country teaching the foundational principles of Liberty, and our Constitutional Republic. She is the author of 6 books on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and believes in “Liberty over security. Principle over Party. Truth over personality.”

This is Kris Anne Hall.

The reason I am writing about her today is because she has helped me, more so that Ivan, learn about what our Constitution actually says, why the government is so far off track from what the Framers of the Constitution meant, and what needs to happen to get the government back in the hands of “We the People”.

You can find Kris Anne at, or on her YouTube channel of the same name, or, at Liberty First

She is an undeniable authority on the Constitution, the US government as a whole, and a very charismatic speaker. She grabs you with the depth of her knowledge, and the passion of her commitment. As she says, frequently, she does not interpret the constitution, as it is self-explanatory. She merely teaches us what it actually says, since no one has taught us what the Constitution is, or how it is supposed to work , for us, since 1833. When was the last time you heard anyone talk about being taught Civics in school?

Give her a few minutes of your time. She will reopen your eyes about how the government should work for us, as we are the employers, they are our employees; what each branch of the government is supposed to be doing; what we can each do, every day, to bring the government back under our control.

So many of the things we have delegated to the control of the government should never have been allowed. Why? Because the Constitution shows you how illegal it was for the citizenry to give up the control to the legislature in the first place.

Let me know what you think. I cannot get enough of this woman, seriously.