Liar, liar

Pants on fire.

I had to stop reading Moby Dick. I couldn’t even begin reading Atlas Shrugged again. I went, instead, with Frank Herbert’s Dune.

Wise decision on my part.

Please, understand. Each of the books, classics by others determinations, is approximately 20-60 hours of listening commitment. To start a 60 hour book, such as the aforementioned Atlas Shrugged, and to get bogged down after only 2, or so, hours, leaves one a bit forlorn. Do I continue, and hope for the best; do I start something else, also hoping to get hooked?

I have discovered, after trying to listen to these 3 books, that it is heavily dependent on the reader of the book. I enjoy listening to British readers, most especially; male or female, equally. There are a couple of American readers, also, both male and female, that I enjoy; conversely, there are 2, in particular, that send me over the edge. We all know what a short distance that can be, at times.

I won’t mention their names, as I do not want to prejudice anyone’s desire to listen to the 2 of them. One male reader is one that I listened to some years ago, reading a series of dramatic espionage thrillers, and he excelled at them. Listening to this same voice reading Atlas Shrugged just didn’t cut it.

This same reader is reading a certain character in Dune, but, as there are several other readers, as well, I can tolerate his time at the microphone. But, just barely.

As the book is as interesting now, as it was when it was published, I have been able to go about my boring existence, listening, with interest, at the other planets, and solar systems, that make up the environment of Dune.

While I am traveling existentially, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.