
Down here, they’re life saving.

As I have said, there are very few homes that have central heating, or air conditioning here.

Ours is not one of them. So, we layer our warmth. Long sleeved shirt, thermal shirt, and for me, a cotton shawl.

Thermal pants of some sort, with fleece lined socks. A must. I also have the fleece lined neck thingy that was from the set Ivan gave me for Christmas.

Fleece neck thingy. Sorry, still not 100%.

The shawl goes over my head, and wraps around my upper body; it’s a long, wide shawl, pashmina I believe.

I don’t have on the mittens yet, but sitting at my computer tray, I have a thermal shirt draped over my legs, helping, slightly to ward off the cold air. It’s about 8ºC this morning, and I’m blessedly chilly.

As I have said before, it may be that cold where you are, but you have central heating. Try to remember how cold you get when the electricity goes off for a day, or so. That’s how cold it is here all day.

Funny, though. I can remember being the only one sweating here when we first moved down here. Everyone thought I was crazy.

Not any longer. I have finally acclimatized to the weather, and am just as cold as everyone else.


If the weather is changing in your area, please drive with caution, and care for yourselves, and the others on the roads. Don’t take any silly, or unnecessary chances. Please.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script; a very happy birthday, to our BIL, Larry, a few days early. I hope each, and every one is better than the last one.

2 thoughts on “Layers”

  1. Don’t think I’d like not having central heat! Sorry, but I don’t like to be cold. And yes, I know you can always add more layers, but that chill still seeps in! Thanks for sharing your posts…always enjoy hearing about your life in Mexico.

    1. Thanks JoAnn, for reading my silliness. You are absolutely correct. I am cold to the bone most of the time, but have sufficient natural insulation to warm up in the evening. When I am doing things around the apartment I’m warmer. Have an amazing New Year’s celebration.

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