Last will and testament

We are going to start the process of making out our will. This should prove interesting.

We are going to the attorney’s office today, to drop off our information papers so we can get an appointment. If something happens to Ivan, God forbid, and we do not have a will, everything we have will go to the government, and I will be left homeless.

That prospect does not interest me in the slightest. If I go first, no big deal; everything, here, is in Ivan’s name, so he will be set. Right now, I am not even on the bank account, therefore, I have no access to our millions. (Hahaha. I needed a bit of levity. Sorry if you did not.)

The next thing we have to figure out is how to renew my membership, and the permanency of my residency here, in Mexico. After talking with our friends, it seems that I may just need to pay the fee for five more years, and receive my updated residency card. That would be lovely, not to mention a miracle!!!

Until then, I am taking the very best care of my husband.

Enjoy all of your Black Friday sales, even though they are just items that did not sell during the previous years. They are still “on sale”.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.