
Today, Liz came down, and we made a beautiful 9”x13” pan of lasagna.

Conventionally? No. Tastefully? Absolutely. We are, however, not able to try it until tomorrow, or Sunday. We are taking it to Los Altos with us. None of them have ever had lasagna.

How can this be?

We have to set things right; bring the equilibrity of life into balance.

It started out looking like the above photo. Do not be deceived my good readers; it ended up looking like this.

We can’t wait to try it in the coming days. We sure hope that they like it as well. Not much worse than taking something you made, something new, and exciting, but no one likes it. Sure, they appreciate your effort, but it’s just not what they’re used to.

Sourdough bread, for example.

Folks down here don’t really go for sourdough bread. I don’t think many folks down here eat much bread, in any form. Period. Corn tortillas are king, and queen while trying to get food from the bowl, or plate, to their mouths. Most of the Garcia’s don’t use utensils; just tortillas. No need for a spoon, except for eating soup, but other than that, tortillas work as knife, and fork. I’m trying to learn, but it’s not easy. It’s a learned way of doing things.

That’s fine. We’re not here to change anyones way of life. We do want to introduce them to other cuisines in the world, however; see if anyone enjoys them. If not, well, I guess we’ll just have to bring whatever’s left home, and eat it ourselves.


A side note: while Liz was pregnant with El Señor Bebe, Brandon, by name, we made them spaghetti with a delicious tomato sauce, which included garlic bread. They absolutely loved them. They have had spaghetti with a white cream sauce, which is very common here, but never with a rich, meaty, homemade Italian sausage tomato sauce.

While Liz, and I were making the meat sauce, the cheese sauce, then assembling the whole thing, I was telling her that the basic tomato sauce can be used with so many different types of pasta; you just need to make the sauce to your palate. She understood, and here are the results.

I just wanted you to see it for a second time. 😉

That’s it for today. We have an early morning tomorrow; lot’s to be done before we hit the highway. Until we meet again

Sing along, everyone. Happy trails to you, until we meet again. Happy trails to you, keep smilin’ until then. Who cares about the clouds when we’re together? Just sing a song, and bring the sunny weather. Happy trails to you, ‘til we meet again.

If you want to finish the song, just repeat it twice. 😉

Until that happens, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Roy, and Dale are going to sleep now. Good night.

One thought on “Lasagna”

  1. You are too too funny, sister!! Your lasagna looks yummy!! I haven’t made it since I was living in my 14th Ave house… it was excellent, though.
    Did Nancy tell you about the wedding she and Avi went to in Iowa City? Oldest daughter of our cousin Hank. Turns out Aunt Penny is in Minnesota and has Alzheimer’s… too bad. She lives about 2 miles from her daughter Lucy. In a facility, of course. I think she’s 95 years old…..
    Have a good week, my dear!

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