
That, I have read, is the new buzz word for 2021.

None of us are depressed, or, just “existing”; we are languishing. That is a very sedate way of describing incarceration, is it not?

I do not know about you, the reader, but I definitely consider myself, and my husband, as languishing. In the dictionary, it reads “to be or become weak or feeble, droop, fade, to lose vigor and vitality, to undergo prolonged inactivity,” a state of melancholia.”

We are languishing; are you?

Originally, I thought this word did not fit our current lifestyle. After really reading the definition, I admit, now, that it is spot on. As much as we try to stay busy, the inactivity is a killer.

Some days it is hard to get out of bed; each day is the same as the last. I try to do as much as I can, especially first thing in the morning, to change things up a bit, though I do not always accomplish it. Baking is what makes the difference in a day; for me, at least.

My most recent attempt.

It sounds, at the moment, here, in the apartment, that all of the others, incarcerated as well, are languishing, too. I can not hear a single sound; maybe the electricity went out. I will have to check.

Until I know for sure, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.