Since I got the smaller bottles for storing, and enjoying our Kombucha, it has been a pleasure, not only to watch the fermentation happening, but drinking directly from the bottles.
They are 8oz. bottles, half the size per bottle than the others I used, but a world of difference in every other way. They are easier, and faster to fill; they have screw-on lids; they fit well in the fridge without rearranging everything else within.

Here they all sit, on the counter, pored into their little storage containers, fermenting our their little CO2’s. You can see the bubbles at the top of each bottle. As the “mother” batch is newer, made 2 weeks ago, this batch will be infinitely better than the last one. Plus, the pineapple is freshly cut, just before bottling these, that you see.
We drank all of the last batch, but the “mother” was so old, it was souring. Yuck. Now that it is Springtime, I am hopeful that we will drink this more regularly, more often. I am not sure if there is any kind of “limit” to the amount of Kombucha one can drink in a day, or not, but I have drunk 3 8oz bottles without any difficulty, other than the fact of the sourness. I just added a half package of Splenda to each bottle, and Bob’s your uncle.
I am quite certain I will try to venture out, again, into other flavor combinations, but when you find one that everyone likes, why mess with success?!
I will keep you apprised of Kombucha fermenting, etc., as we go along. As always, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.