
It’s about time, I think.

Check out the date. The foam is soap suds, not CO2 from the mother.

It was more than a year ago that I made the last batch of Kombucha. Oh the shame!!

I am going to show you what 1 year of “Mothers” looks like. I think you will be as amazed as I was. Here goes.

Each of the 4 pieces you see in the photo above, the 2 smallest are 1” thick, and the 2 larger pieces are easily 2 1/2” thick.

The thickest piece at 2 1/2” thick.
The discards.

After making the newest batch of ”buch”, I couldn’t keep all of the mothers alive, having to discard some into the organic bin. I did keep the largest piece, cutting it into 4 chunks, and putting it into the hotel for mothers. (Similar to the Hotel California.)

Here is the final batch of “buch”; alongside is the hotel with the chunks of Mother. The tea in the hotel is fresh from the final batch, and will be changed, or added to with each new batch of Kombucha.

The Mothers are floating in a new bath of strong tea, and sugar. What’s not to enjoy about that?

That’s it until next time. The Kombucha is well liked on NOOM, so much so that homemade Kombucha has only 16 calories for 100ml. Yay!!! It’s because all of the sugar is digested by the mother, giving off its waste as CO2, and the fermenting process is begun.

The rest, as they say, is just amazing flavor. After the second fermentation, that is.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.