
I have been giving more and more attention to knitting lately. Un fortunately, all of the things I am knitting are in a tote, in Juan’s garage here. I am unable to get to them until we get moved into the apartment.

I was telling Ivan last night about the free “yarn” I got from some women in India after purchasing wrap around skirts from them. (I will try to find the name of their website in case you wish to help them out by purchasing things from them as well). So, every skirt I purchased, or it might have been buy a few, get the “yarn”, I can not remember, I received a skein of completely different colors, and textures of “yarn”.

The “yarn” is in “” because it really is not yarn, it is silk, left over from the skirts they make. Each skein is prettier than the last one. I have no idea, at the moment, what I am going to make with them, but, currently, I think, I have four to six skeins of silk, waiting patiently for me to rediscover them.

Of course, I am still working on my Celtic shawl, so that will have to take priority once we get to the apartment. Here is where I am thus far.

My Celtic shawl.

I really have not had a moment to start this up again, because it takes so much concentration, of which I do not have much of at the moment. But I will get started on this again, as soon as I am settled.

I really cannot say how proud I am of the work I have done this far- it has been a labor of love, I can tell you that much. Every day I see it, sitting in its zippered pouch, awaiting the day that I have time to take it out, and start knitting again. I absolutely love knitting! For me, it is part relaxation and part therapy. It helps keep my brain active, reading the charts, and, more intense, the diagrams of the pattern. Reading the diagrams was something I never imagined I would be able to do, because they are so intricate. But I taught myself, made myself, learn how to read them, and because I did, there really is no pattern that I am unable to read or use.

Once we get settled, I will start knitting again, and I will update a more recent photo. Until then, this is as far as I have gotten.

2 thoughts on “Knitting”

    1. You are so funny. I can’t teach you how to read a chart, but YouTube can. And will, if you can take some “me” time to watch a few videos. I like Very Pink Knits, New Stitch a Day, Knit Purl Hunter, for starters. They have been invaluable. Plus, I took the typed instructions for this pattern, spent a lot of time with the diagrams, and just kept looking at the typed words, and matched them to the diagrams. It was awful, at first. This pattern has 6 different chart diagrams, in other words, 6 different pattern repeats, and believe me when I tell you, if you make a single mistake on one of the repeats, it carries across the entire pattern. I had to rip out about 12 rows 6 different times until I discovered that for me, I had to print out the pattern twice, once for all of the repeats on the right side, but also for all of the repeats on the wrong side. Once I discovered what I had to do to make my life simpler, it all fell in to place. I have not had a minute to give to this shawl since we started contemplating the move here. It sits in a zippered bag, begging me to get started again. And I will, but not until we move and get settled. Should be sometime in the next few weeks. Find a pattern you like, on They are, mostly, free. I am IAgardener55 on the website, so if you see any comments, etc., from that person, that is me. I LOVE RAVELRY. Anyway, enjoy. I will help all I can once we move. I will show you the pattern and diagrams as I explained it above, but understand that I have been knitting, almost constantly, finding new stitches to use for baby blankets, scarves, fingerless mittens, etc, for probably 15 years, easily. I have no idea how much you have time for, but once you get Ted hooked, try those websites, especially RAVELRY, and New Stitch a Day for new stitches to try, and easily understandable directions. Love you tons. Miss you too,

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