
Today, I spent the better part of two hours cleaning an old(er) keyboard that I wanted to use, now that Ivan has helped me find, and set up my previous MacMini; the last one I used while still in the states.

It was filthy to say the least. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo of it, but I doubt you would have been able to see much of the staining. Now, it is so pretty, clean, and white.

It was fun, actually, taking off all of the individual keys, putting them into the boiled water, with some Dawn dish soap, and cleaning each tab with a clean cloth. I set them out to dry, then replaced each tab to its rightful space on the naked, but clean, keyboard.

I had, fortunately, taken a good photo of said keyboard last night, while completely illuminated, and was able to use that as a guide when repositioning the tabs. I do believe it would have been more than I could have managed, trying to put them all back without a photo. Yikes.

The photo I took the other night.
Looks today as if it is brand new.

However, as I said, we have the MacMini back up, and running. Now I can print my Google calendar which has all of our bills on it, the payment amounts, on the due dates. I add up the weeks payments, subtract that from our current balance, to get a better idea of how much money we do, or do not have. Always entertaining.

While I pay bills, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.