Just when I think I have everything under control, I find out, usually the hard way, that, indeed, I do not.
This morning, I made my morning pot of coffee, as I do every morning, with one, very important exception; I forgot to dump the half cup of coffee left in the pot, from yesterday. Ugh!
I was going about my business this morning, trying to keep to some sort of routine, after having very little sleep last night. That is nothing unusual, however, this morning I am quite tired; down to my bones. I cannot get my head into the routine; I seem to be floating, ghost like, around the apartment. Even sitting down to type this, I am sitting on my chair, but feel like a lump of coal; zombi-ish.
I got up, opened the living room windows, and breathed deeply of the morning air; made, and drank, my (retch) apple cider vinegar with honey, and water; started a load of laundry; lit the oven to preheat it for bread baking; then, noticed the coffee, running on the countertop. (That, I should admit, to myself, at least, was a feat in itself, as the countertop is black speckled granite, if you recall.)
I mopped up the countertop, then, continued on my way. I fixed myself a cup of coffee, sat at my “office”, (the table in the living room,) got out my iPad, and started typing. Thus, what you are reading, before you, was the beginning of my day.
Fortunately, this morning was one in a thousand. I have not had such a start in quite some time. Why do you not return to bed, you ask? Simply, because, then my morning, my time of solitude, peace, reflection, is gone; utterly. I cannot retrieve it once it has passed.
Getting up, after seven thirty, or eight o’clock, is just not me. I need this time, by myself, to get my affairs in order, if you will. I can plan my day without having any distractions, (not that I would ever call my beloved a distraction!), however, if the shoe fits….
The bedding is in the washer, soon to be hung up on the clothesline in the laundry area to dry; the first loaf of bread has thirty minutes to bake; the plants are all “good morning”ed, and I am ready for a second cuppa.
That all said, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.
I just saw this; thought it was parchment paper from the bread I just took out of the oven!)