
It has been a difficult week; obviously.

Today, however, we are filled with joy; and the wonderful feeling of life.

We had been “in the dumps”, so to speak, all week, after the death of my father in law, Juan. He lived a blessed, joyful, though, sometimes difficult life for ninety three and one half years. He was in intractable pain, would no longer eat, then, could no longer say more than a few words to us. He passed, while sleeping, the night of the tenth of December. He is pain free.

We are not going to put up the tree this year; it is too late now anyway. Plus, our hearts are not in it. We are going to put up a few strands of lights I think; tomorrow, maybe. We shall see.

We have no earthly idea where our ornaments are anyway. Here in the apartment, upstairs in the storage unit? Heaven only knows. They are not divulging the whereabouts.

I did order a couple of festive table runners, and a holiday tablecloth, or two, so those should be here within the week. That might brighten the place up a bit.

In the meantime, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.