Job well done!

It’s finished. It’s done.

The washing machine is back to its beautiful “new” state; the dryer as well. Let me show you.

The hoses came today, as Ivan said they would. They went on so easily, it was a fun project to finish. (Mom always said I never finished projects once started. Too bad she can’t see the many things I have finished over time.)

Aren’t they just gorgeous? The hoses? Expertly applied, too, I might add.
I went back and taped it more securely but can’t find the photo. Use your imagination. I’m anal; trust me. It look much better now.
The dryer hose comes up, over the back of the dryer, and blows into the white plastic thingy, that is partially filled with water.

With the dryer hose fixed, as well, any of the lint not getting picked up in the filter, will be caught in the water reservoir on top of the dryer. Only drawback, it gets really humid for the first hour of the dryer running. After that, it is less so, and can open the door between the laundry area and the kitchen.

Back to looking new again.

So, that job finished, on to Pollo Borracho, drunken chicken stew.

Until next we meet, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.