Jet packs

It’s all I want for Christmas this year.

A functioning jet pack, like the one bing used in the Star Wars TV series,“The Mandalorian”.

It is the neatest invention to date, as teleportation has not been invented yet.

Just think, if we had them we wouldn’t have to find a parking space, and, there’d be less traffic, on the ground at least. Not quite sure what emissions they have, or the atmospheric damage they might cause, but, come on, it’s a jet pack.

We have, just recently, been able to watch the Mandalorian series down here, and I have been taking full advantage of its availability before it’s gone.

That’s one problem we can’t seem to fix here; TV, and movie availability. It takes at least a year, sometimes longer, for a TV series, or movie to be available, and then, only for a limited time. Take the entire Chicago series- Fire, Med, and PD. We are light years behind the US, but at least we can watch them. In fact, I watched the 2020 season of Chicago Fire just a month, or so, ago. Can’t wait to see Chicago PD.

As a follow up, I am feeling a bit better these past 2 days, so have foregone the doctor visit. I know that I am taking somewhat of a risk, but am also very uninterested in taking antibiotics as I believe my body is still able to fight infections on its own. If that no longer is the case, then, I will have to go. Until then, I will ask my body to heal itself.

While that is going on, please, remain happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

You know, I wouldn’t turn down either a speeder bike, or a land cruiser. Just a thought.