Jalapeños en escabeche

Marinated jalapeños, or pickled jalapeños in vinegar.

We brought about a dozen jalapeños, 10 carrots, and a dozen spring onions back with us from Los Altos this time. They’ve been in the fridge ever since. Doing the math, that was 8 days ago. Suffice it to say, they were getting a bit, how can I type this accurately, withered, shriveled, old.

What does one do with the above veg?

We made chiles en escabeche, (CHI-less n ess-cah -BEH-cheh). Take a look.

Jalapeños, olive oil, carrots, onions, bay leaves, oregano, marjoram, salt, vinegar, water, black peppercorns, cloves, and sugar.

Normally, we buy them in the can, but decided to make them ourselves since we had bought the veggies home with us for that purpose alone.

So, now we have enough to last us for a few months; Ivan gave a container to Jesús, and Lizbeth. If we run out, voilà, we make more.

I didn’t remove many of the seeds, as it was too time consuming, so it’s a bit spicier than what we are used to. Ivan told me that that’s why we have salt. I chuckled.

As I was cooking this, he came into the kitchen to express helpful suggestions. We were both nearly asphyxiated from the fumes of the chiles. We coughed for about 10 minutes, even when we went back to the bedroom. It was horrible.

I turned on the air circulators in the bedroom for another 10 minutes, and finally the chile fumes were noticeably gone. Breathing easier.

That’s about it for this exciting week.

Side note: We did go to Costco, Sam’s Club, and Soriana this week, to the tune of about $500 USD. What’s a person to do?

The cost of everything here is going through the roof because of the current President’s administration in the US. The cost of growing wheat, corn, oats, etc., costs more. It costs more to raise cows, pigs, and sheep. The rise in gas prices is making it difficult for the farmers to transport their crops/animals to plants for processing. The cost of living has skyrocketed these past two years. Cripes. It’s making it more difficult to buy some of the things we can only get from the US.

That said, we spend our “limited income” on the things we need, paying our bills first, food last. We’ll not go hungry anytime soon as I am learning to make something from little, or less.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.