It’s official

We have had several consecutive weeks of rain over the past month.

In fact, it’s rained some every day/evening for most of the month of June. Nothing torrential, mind you, but enough to leave significant puddles in the streets. According to my Weather Live app., it’s forecast for rain the next 2 weeks of July.

We’ve also just lost the electricity, again, and it’s only been drizzling. Oh, never mind. It just came back on.

I’m going to, soon, restart my prior routine of exercising for 10 minutes in the morning, then a few trips around the park. Hopefully this rain will have helped the gardens while I’ve been doing nothing.

Never mind. It just went off again. Good thing the temperature has dropped because I’d be pretty upset without my fan.

Everyone, have happy, and safe 4th of July celebrations.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: it’s been over 20 minutes since I began typing this, and the electricity is still off. Argh!!!

Post post script: it was off for an hour and a half!!!