It’s been quite the day

I got so much done today. (Not the day you’re reading this).

I showered, had coffee, made eggs with chorizo, and fried diced potatoes, refried beans, tortillas, and avocado salsa, relaxed for about an hour, then started in the kitchen.

After boiling my 2 kettles of water, I made the pickled onions I told you about already, (I had forgotten to use the cutting guard, remember?)

After our groceries were delivered from Walmart, I put those away, then started processing the 3 different types of mushrooms I bought. Again. The others that I had cooked/frozen after they were no longer in prime condition, I got rid of those, and cut, partially cooked, froze, and vacuum sealed the fresh ones. I put them into portion sizes, ready to be used whenever needed.

The second batch of mushrooms, partially cooked, frozen, and vacuum sealed in single use portions.

I’m looking forward to a homemade pizza, or 2 in the near future. When we had spaghetti with a meat sauce the other night, I used the “other” mushrooms, and it was delicious. Thankfully, we’re still alive.

Now that I’m learning how to cook the correct amount of food for just the 2 of us, clean up, and storage is a breeze. I no longer have to find a half dozen containers to put all of the leftovers away. There has been only enough left over for one more serving the next day. It’s usually Ivan that eats the left overs as he is really enjoying the food I’ve making these days.

Without a week’s worth of the same food having been prepared, we are able to enjoy something different every night. that doesn’t mean I make a whole dinner meal every afternoon, but I do at least 3 times a week. For now. I’m hoping to be able to make a good tasting dinner every night.

Gonna go now. I’m so sleepy I’m making all kinds of mistakes. Very annoying.

Until next time.

Stay healthy, stay happy.