It was a landslide

We are trying to get to LA, but have been sitting on the highway for almost an hour. Why? There has been a landslide up ahead. Seriously.

There has been a landslide up ahead of us, and has, according to a passerby, captured a few vehicles in its path. We do not know about the people in those vehicles, but are hoping they are ok. (Yes, we do, now. No one injured, only trapped vehicles. The landslide was thick, but not moving so quickly as to sweep vehicles, or people away.)

I am going to try to video anything I can but it is after nine o’clock and quite dark. There are plenty of vehicles so they might be able to give me sufficient light. We will have to wait and see.

Nope. I was unable to video anything, but I can tell you that the highway is a mess, both sides. In this part of the highway, they are, with two lanes moving in each direction, on different levels.

Our lanes are going Northeast, and, are twenty plus feet higher up than the lanes going Southwest. All of the mud, and sand washed over our two lanes, and across the other two lanes as well. What a mess.

I took the above photo about an hour before we were stopped in our journey. Jesús was able to drive about fifty miles per hour still, then, within the next hour, as I said, we came to a complete stand still. The sign, below, which is on both sides of the road, was unseen by us for about forty minutes. It made us all laugh. Duh!

I believe that I need to mention here, that this is the site of a huge mining operation, and has had, in the past, obviously, prior washouts. Hence the road signs.

Here, in México, they have such beautiful highway’s (no snow, ice, or salt to buckle the asphalt), but have zero, zip, nada when it comes to overhead lights. Yikes. People, for the most part, are smart enough to drive at a safe speed and keep a safe distance from each other, thankfully.

Another interesting tidbit it that when the sun goes down, that is it for light. There are no big cities to reflect any light, and, as I said a moment ago, there is no lighting overhead. There are a bazillion stars, but they are just a ways off, and only look pretty when they can be seen. Not tonight, however.

Tonight, it is cloudy, and has rained the entire way from CDMX to LA. Bummer. Fortunately, for us, Jesús is an excellent driver. Plus, he enjoys driving the BMW. Perk.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Read your highway road signs. 😉