It is working

First off, let me say that we must not ever forget today in our history’s recent past. I remember today even when I see 9/11 on the analog clocks we have. Onward.

Here is a quick photo of what I am so excited about. I see three new plants coming by spring.

The other day, I got to reading about succulent propagation, and decided to give it a shot. It cannot hurt to have more of the little beauties. Call them “backup”, if you want.

So, I took a few leaves from a couple of different succulents that I purchased recently, and placed them on a piece of cardboard. As there are several different ways to propagate succulent leaves, this one appeared to be the easiest way, (and safest), to my thinking, because it required no watering. (We all know how I do with that.)

Pachyphytum Compactum

In just three days time, there are small roots already forming on the ones harvested from this little beauty. As it is so small, it is difficult to identify. My app, however, calls it a Pachyphytum Compactum; such a large name for such a tiny plant. Personally, I think, if it is the PC, it should be a bit more compact; I will attempt to re-identify it when it gets a bit bigger.

There are other leaves, in varying degrees of dead, or dying, that I was trying to reproduce, but, alas, most of them are going to be compost. I will, however, continue to try.

As always, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. Delta variant does not care who you are; it just knows that it wants you.

Voy a subir las escaleras. Regresa mañana. 😉