It is………..alive!

(I hope you understood the Frankenstein referral there) 😉

The reason for such a title? I have found muscles I had forgotten I had! They must have been inserted, surgically, at some time in the past, when I was not paying attention. Possibly on a night of overindulgence, concerning my favorite liquid anesthesia.

As those days are gone, however, it is a mystery to be sure. The reason I am aware of said muscles is because I have had to, inadvertently, use those muscles while I, wait for it…

Exercise. There. I said it. I loathe exercising, as a general rule. It is time consuming, sweaty, and, usually, too difficult to maintain. Plus, it seems to take forever to see any results. Boo hoo!!!

This time ‘round, I do not care how long it takes, I am doing it. S#)t, or get off the pot!

As this is day two of climbing the stairs, I timed myself. (I also kept counting the stupid things, and kept getting confused, even in English. I have not had to count so high in quite a while.) 😉 Six minutes, and six seconds. That is the complete six flights, including any breaks. (Read gasping for air.) Not bad, to my way of thinking.

After that, I got out my yoga mat, and did thirty crunches. I thought, briefly, about sit ups, and decided, immediately, that that would just be insane. Crunches were difficult enough. I did fifteen each of the aforementioned torture, both forward, and reverse leg. Yippee. (It will be highly unlikely, however, that I will be able to move tomorrow. And, as tomorrow, for us, is Saturday, I really do not care.)

On Saturday’s, we do not have to change out of our pj’s; we can remain in them all weekend long if we choose. Come Tuesday, back to civvies. Reasons for said ritual are unimportant, but, it works for us. (Less laundry, too.)

I will continue to update you on my progress through this “ordeal”, as I am sure you already know. I will see it through. I am determined to look good, not just better, in my leggings, and Pico tops. Determined, I say.

Please, stay happy, stay healthy, and, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.