
A HUGE thank you to my sister, Nancy, for sending me a video from rumble.com on an antiviral medication called Ivermectin.

I will attempt to add it here, as a link, but, if it does not want to work that way, go to rumble.com. If you have an account, look for Temporarily Grounded, as a website, then scroll down to the video. They have only two videos posted at present so it is not difficult to find, once you find the site. This video is overwhelming.

Here is the link to the video. I hope it works for you. The video is twenty four minutes long, but I think you will agree with me that it is worth every second. https://rumble.com/vlpecw-the-story-of-ivermectin.html

I am not going to say anymore than I hope you stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. And, if you can get ahold of some Ivermectin, take it. Live long, and prosper.