Interesting fact

If you think you are about to vacuum up a tiny, misplaced diamond earring, misplaced weeks ago, and, cannot, in time, stop yourself from doing so, check the vacuum cleaner head after you do.

Words to live by, I say.

Last week, Liz, and I, swept the bedroom floor, but did not find the earring. In fact, I had forgotten all about it. After sweeping the entire warren of dust bunnies that were hiding behind the headboard, I got the Shark vacuum cleaner head out, to finish cleaning up the mess.

I noticed a few stray bunnies, hopping around on the floor, under the headboard, so, I bent down to vacuum them up, to their deaths. Just as I started vacuuming them, I noticed a tiny glint out of the corner of my eye. At the same moment, I wondered if that was my missing earring. Did I stop vacuuming?

Of course not, silly. Only a sane person would do that. Needless to say, however, I quickly stopped vacuuming, and, opened the cleaner head onto my small dustpan. Sure enough, there it was; under a small pile of powdery debris. Yay!!! The lost was found.

Where all of the rest of that crap came from, I am not even going to venture a guess. For now, it is gone; to be forgotten as soon as I save this post.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.